2012年9月7日 星期五

水上粉紅清真寺The Putra Mosque of Malaysia


太子城是馬來西亞任期最長、最重要、幫助馬來西亞發展最多的首相——馬哈迪(Mahatir bin Mohamad)一手打造的。這個前衛的概念沒有花到馬來西亞人民一毛錢,因為在他把政府單位牽過來時,原來的辦公大樓也對外出租,也就是盡量司法院的錢蓋司法院、財政部的錢蓋財政部。

The city Putrajaya, which is built during the period of the 4th prime minister Mahatir bin Muhammad, is currently the administrative capital of Malaysia. Its relationship with Kuala Lumpur is probably like DC and New York.



The Putra Mosque there is all made of rose marble, which apparently makes it very pink and therefore bear the name of "the pink mosque ". And as it was constructed on a lake, it is also called "the mosque on water".





To enter a mosque, a man has to wear pants that cover all the way down; a woman should of course wrap herself up. Inappropriate visitors can borrow a pink cloak by the front desk.

A woman who is having her period is also not allowed to enter. There is no check-point for that though, I think we should be respectful to visit.

Remember to take off your shoes before entering the main dome. It is also considered to be very impolite if you enter a house of a Muslim but not to take off your shoes.


Muslims do not worship idols, so there is only beautiful anaglyph inside.


One staff of the mosque taught us their gesture for praying, which is to show your hands like an open book. That, represents the Quran.

寺方人員的制服也非常可愛。The staffs.


Finally, right beside the Pink Mosque is the green Prime Minister Office.

