2012年11月3日 星期六

Walking On the Edge - White Cliff at Dover

多佛港是在空運尚未發達前,距離法國最近的港口。然而,多佛海岸並非平緩的沙岸,而是一列陡峭的白色峭壁。天氣好時,在多佛可以遠眺歐洲大陸。對於歐洲大陸的來者,這列白色峭壁便是英國的象徵。到多佛旅遊時,可以延著白崖(white cliff)步道行走,觀賞英國自然美景。可惜我去的時機不對,風狂雨驟,改為體驗珍傲慢與偏見中,伊莉莎白步行於泥巴道至尼日婓莊園的狼狽。無論小說裡寫他裙上的泥巴有幾尺,那都絕非誇飾。

You can overlook the European continent from Dover if the weather is lovely. As for the people from France, when they see across the channel, they will see the White Cliff. You can walk on the path that is almost on the edge of the cliff if you visit Dover and enjoy beautiful english countryside while you are walking. Unfortunately, I picked a rainy day to go there, so what I've got to experience is the muddy road like Elizabeth Bennet traveled to Netherfield Park in Pride and Prejudice. And it was not romantic at all!

-Diana Chiang

