2012年11月15日 星期四


喜歡嘗試怪食物的我,對於Marmite仍舊敬而遠之。Marmite是生產啤酒時的副產品,一種酵母萃取物,大多用於塗抹在麵包上。Marmite看起來黑黑稠稠如同烤肉醬,聞起來又有這發酵的酸味,嚐起來非常的鹹。即便如此,Marmite還是有一群死中的支持者,因此英國生產Marmite的公司就在繁忙的牛津街上,放上這展聖誕燈,下面寫著:you either love it or hate it。 我想每個國家都有自己鍾愛的臭臭食物吧!

Even though I am always willing to try new food, Marmite is something that I don't want to have it again for all my life. Marmite is made from yeast extract, a by-product during making beer. Marmite is black and sticky toast paste. It smells funny and tastes salty, in my opinion. Yet, there are still some people think Marmite is wonderful. Therefore the slogan under the Marmite commercial lighting at Oxford Street is saying, you either love it or hate it!

