在台灣,大眾所能想到的表演場所,大概就只有兩廳院。來到倫敦後,發現這裡的表演場所穿插於城市中的每個角落。我住的區域是有名劇院區,因此像這樣典雅而華麗的劇院不少。只是,在倫敦看一場音樂劇不便宜,少說也要台幣一千塊才能勉強入場,否則就要想辦法由旁門左道擠進劇院(例如:在音樂劇開演後買學生票,也要台幣伍佰)。 然而,倫敦劇院的觀賞氣氛是輕鬆的,可以一邊小酌或吃零嘴一邊看表演,中場休息還會賣冰淇淋。對於從小被灌輸劇院氣氛必須一絲不苟的我,是場在觀賞表演之外的有趣體驗。
Watching a performance in Taiwan seems to be something serious. Most people put on their best clothes and act "civilized" during the theater night. Yet,theaters in London has a relaxed atmosphere. People can sip their drinks or eat snacks during the performance. However, it is rather pricey to go to a musical in London. It costs you about 20 quids to get you a seat that can barely see what's going on on the stage!
Diana Chiang.