2012年10月3日 星期三

巴黎馬卡龍之王 Pierre Hermé Macarons

被時尚聖經法國版《Vogue》雜誌喻為「糕點界的畢卡索」的Pierre Hermé,最出名的就是他口味多變但口感永恆的馬卡龍了,他就靠Macaron這個甜美繽紛的法國小圓餅,擄獲了門口這樣排隊的景象。

Once compared by the fashion bible Vogue France to "the Picasso of pastry", this scene of crowded people all over the shop is undoubtedly a very usual one for  Pierre Hermé and his eternal Macarons.

Pierre Hermé只在巴黎和東京擁有分店,巴黎除了這家比較難找的總店(店鋪資訊見本文末),還可以在歌劇院旁拉法葉百貨的地下室找到。不過這樣當然就特別沒fu——你不來到總店看到這樣不論夾雜著觀光客和本地人的高人氣,實在不會覺得自己正在進行一場甜點界的宗教朝聖啊。

You can only find Pierre Hermé's shops in either Paris or Tokyo. Besides from this very original one, there are also some counters in the famous department store Galeries Lafayette near by the Opera House. But it feels totally different form our pilgrimage of desserts' world here.


The other reputable work of Pierre Hermé is his chocolate cakes, which were on the Observer's "50 best things to eat in the world" list.


The smallest mixed box of 12 beautiful Macarons costs 25 euros. You can also make your own combo one by one.

地址:72, rue Bonaparte, Paris
位於賽納河左岸拉丁區一帶,從聖日耳曼大道(Boulevard Saint-Germain)上我們介紹過的花神咖啡館步行約10分鐘,你會找到的。
(A:Café de Flore;B:Pierre Hermé

1 則留言:

  1. 哇~美食當前...好幸福哦~
